Semi-on-the-fly remarks:
- I notice the credits ‘level’ just loops without any change; is there any reason?
- The window title ends in ‘(DEBUG)’; did you forget to set release mode? ;)
- Nicely presented with both interactive credits and tutorial!
- Small misspelling ‘Fullscreean’ in the tutorial.
- The keys for shooting are inconvenient, seeing the rest (especially Space to jump); I think Left Control would have been easier to deal with.
- Oh, the first enemy from the tutorial has varying weapons! Some randomness?
- I realize through the four pistols (in a square) in the first level that you can cumulate ammunition if you take a weapon that has the same type as yours; I did not notice it in the tutorial.
- Managed to win! You have to be very strategic about shooting from afar (as the enemies’ reach is limited), from below (against enemies wielding pistols), using precise weapons (such as the pistol), fast weapons (submachine gun) to destroy enemies’ bullets, or wide angle weapons (especially the shotgun) to hit from an angle.
Conclusion: nicely presented (just too bad there is no sound!) and very strategic ‘stealth’ shooting game! How unfortunate it does not fit the constraint (apart from the credits looping level!)… ._. Seeing the title and the ultimate goal clock, I am wondering if you were inspired by Mini Jam 112’s theme?? X)
Some gameplay elements are left implicit and for the player to discover (such as the randomness of the enemies’ weapons), which is fine.
I really think this is more of a tactical game than an action-oriented one; the fact that you die in one hit explains a lot, this is an important element.
I feel bad having to take into account the constraint for assessing the game. ._. Apart from that, I think it is great!
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