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Scrooge rated a this awesome game 1 year ago
A browser this awesome game made in HTML5.

I like the physics of this game, easy to handle and master the trick.

Andreas updated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Updated page content.
1 new image
paulpaul168 published a game 5 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
To avoid planes, birds, storm clouds and enemy ballons you have to sacrifce your crew to slow down your fall. Its our first game and first ludum dare so we depend on good feedback to improve!
Yilian published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
This is what happens if you make a game from a dumb pun someone scribbled on a post-it. It turned out the be some sort of sim-management game, but really, you just play it for the humour, not the challenge. We might've aimed a bit high with...
simonparzer published a this awesome game 5 years ago
A browser this awesome game made in HTML5.
A small party of brave adventurers tries to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a self-built airship. Will all of them reach their destination, or are sacrifices to be made? Controls: Drag people around using the mouse. Pop balloons by clicking on...
JakNak72 published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
My entry for Ludum Dare 43 Sacrifices must be made so i decided to sacrifice the game engine and use Photoshop to run my code. It was an experiment to see how far i can get with using only Photoshop as I never used Photoshop scripting or ev...
Andreas published a game 5 years ago