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Escape The LevelView game page

A game made for the Indie Dev Game Jam
Submitted by EggcelentDeveloper — 23 hours, 52 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Does it follow the theme?#272.6922.692

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Great game!! I really liked the minimalist graphics, good job!


Thank you! Originally I wanted to go for something a lot more detailed, but I think the assets match my own skill level for coding. Very minimal lol. Anyways have a very nice day and I appreciate you playing!


I love the graphics and sound effects! Kudos for putting yourself out there!


Thank you! I was actually kinda worried about if people would hate it. Guess I’m just overly paranoid lol. I may eventually improve it, but I think my code is… well spaghetti. And overall just really buggy. I hope to work on projects in the future that will be way better! For now I’m gonna get some snacks and watch devlogs.


good game, idk if that game has sounds or my browser is bugging out


It does have sound. The buttons make click noises and there’s background music. I hope it was still fun even though your sound was buggy!


Cute game for your first try! It seems most of my criticisms are already in the comments so I'll add that a background during the level, some sound effects for jumping/dying, and a better title screen would go a long way in making the game look that much more compelling!


Yeah the title screen was really rushed lol. I had a title screen that I was gonna implement but for some reason I couldn’t get it to work. The sound effects would probably be easy to implement and yeah I was kind lazy with the background. Though I kinda think it matches the minimalist style, it could definitely be better. For now though I’m gonna relax and watch some dev logs. I love those a lot. Anyways thanks for playing! 


very nice game. the pixel was simple but crisp, controlling the jump challenging at times, and I got lost at times.  great game though


Thank you! I’m sorry I couldn’t get around to replying earlier, I kinda was half asleep and all. I’m glad you liked the game though!


Very cute minimalist assets. It was unclear where to go at times with the moving platforms and the character felt a bit fast for its size and scale. Great work though, excited to see what you make in the future!


Thank you! I was gonna add some arrows but I kinda got burnt out around the end of the project. As for them being a bit fast, it was a matter of my personal preference. I like fast characters a lot in games. Weird though because I play Mario games and haven’t played any of the Sonic games except the racing game. Anyways have a nice day!


This is a very good first game, jumping feels nice and the art is cute. Good work and keep at it!


The platformer is very dynamic, it is very easy to break down and lose your progress, my broken keyboard can tell you about this. Please add respawn points. Objectively, the game is very addicting. And the art style suits it very well. Good job.


Where would some good places to add checkpoints be? I'm fairly new to coding , and no one I knew was good at playtesting, so it would be helpful to know some good locations to add it to.  That said, thank you for playing!

You're welcome. Glad to help newbies. It would be nice to add a spawn point after the first moving platform.

Got it! I'll see what I can do to get it working


Ok so I tried to add it but I got this weird bug that I’ve been getting for a while, so it didn’t work.  For context,  every time I try to use the “On Body Entered Function” it says that it’s never used. In fact that’s why the buttons don’t work. Sorry that I couldn’t add that. That one particular bug hates me.


Dude, if you work at unity, I could help you.Write to me in ds Andrey2319688


Sorry I don’t use Unity due to the old Unity pricing controversy. I use Godot 4 for all of my coding.