In the year 20XX, a warrior named Binosuke seeks his revenge on the Demon Hand to avenge his ancestors: Banjiro and Benitsu. --- An action-adventure (gun-boost) platformer created for the Illinois State University Game Development Club...
Play as a slime and build up momentum to clear different platforming stages! Controls : A and D - Move Left and Right Space - Jump Space in the Air - Mid-Air Jump
Battle it out in the parking lot with your spinning top! In Top Fighter 2, you must defeat various enemies in a tournament in order to crown yourself the champion! Also, play against an enemy of your choice (or a friend of yours) in Sandbox...
In a futuristic city overrun by Super Macho Robots, fight in a volley match against these bionic beasts to save the city. Assets created by Joey Schmidt and Brad Parfitt for the Illinois State Summer 2022 Game Jam with the theme "Momentum"...
The original version of this game was made over a week for the Illinois State Summer 2022 game jam. Theme: Momentum Controls: (also works on mobile) Arrow Keys - Menu navigation X - select / hook / unhook Description: Swing between anchors...
They may be larger than us, They may outnumber us a thousand to one, But their flesh is weak. Paint these ancient walls with their blood. Drive them from our homeland. You are our last defense.