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A jam submission

Professor Fishur presents BrainoidsView game page

A Neural Generation Experience
Submitted by Partly Atomic (@partlyatomic), Josie (@josiegitsune) — 1 day, 5 hours before the deadline
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Professor Fishur presents Brainoids's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Pacifist Theme#263.8884.600

Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Briefly explain your games interpretation of the Pacifist theme?
Violence is not a required mechanic of the game. Confrontation is allowed, but it only has negative effects.

How much CODE (text or visual) did you make?


You created most of the code - but re-used some chunks of code

How much of the game's ART did you make?


You didn't create any art assets - you used existing assets for your game

How much of the game's SOUND effects did you make?


You created most of the sounds - but used a handful of existing sounds

How much of the game's MUSIC effects did you make?


You created all of the music heard in game

Other comments (Code / Art / Sound / Audio)
The Click sound came with the interaction library used. I was too lazy to turn it off, sorry Spacey.

Most art was created with Midjourney AI generation. I slapped a few primitive shapes together though for some of the machinery.

Unless Josie gets her lines recorded, then all audio was created solely by Landon.

Did you enjoy the jam? Is there anything you'd change if you could start over?

Aren't you awesome for being creative and taking part?


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This was a very original entry :D I got confused by the generated art, as some boxes seemed to include such a variance that it ended up being a bit hard to label it correctly. ALSO you're labelling menu made me sad... if it was alphabetised maybe it would have been acceptable! 

It was great you managed to do a mini tutorial to help onboard, and the voice lines gave a lot character and added polish to the game. Ambitious game, I basically blame the AI for making it frustrating at times - not you or Josie <3 Thanks a lot for getting involved, and belated happy birthday!


We certainly enjoyed watching you play! You seemed to have gotten the intended range of emotion (except frustration at the labeler, that could use a bit of polish if we ever come back to the idea!)


Cool graphics. I liked the sounds in game. They were pretty funny! My first time playing, my art fell through the counter and disappeared. Second playthrough though, it worked well. I would work on the robot walking animation, but I'm sure that was just because you ran out of time. The eerie music and strange images made me feel disturbed. That's good! Great work!


You got the vibe! 👍


I really love the concept behind this!

Had a minor bug with one customer who wanted a "creature" and don't forget "cicada" and I gave what I initially thought was the painting but then had like a mini 'freeze' and then they wouldn't collect the painting anymore

However, I really love the concept in general and it's really fun! I like how you even prepared a storage facility for players  to organize their items!

Had a bit of an issue with the labeling system however! I found it too difficult to scroll through everything especially when I realized it wasn't alphabetical. Unless it's part of the game mechanics, it's fine as well!

Overall, it sounds like a game I'd definitely try when polished!:) Well done!


Thanks for the feedback! You should be able to right click to get rid of customers with orders you can't figure out (or are buggy), but I definitely should have added a "that's not it" cue just in case


Loved the theme and the mechanics!

Music was great (stop playing after a while and didn't come back though :( )

Loved the art work and figuring out what was what. Really cool concept!


Oh interesting! Did you play for more than 30 minutes? (Thats the total length of all the music tracks)

Glad you enjoyed it regardless!


I may have!

I will have another look today and see if that was the case