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Post_Maester rated a asset pack 2 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
AmuAmu published a project 3 years ago
A downloadable project.
CharlieEmm published a project 3 years ago
A downloadable project.
My entry for the Get Into Staffs Jam! When creating the individual references, I wanted to make them useful for a 3d modellers use; as if I was passing this on to be modelled for a game, hence the inclusion of images of textures to help cla...
Eastevenson published a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
My Get into Staffs: Concept Art Submission featuring Seregil, Alec and Mardus!
MegBellamy published a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
Character concept sheets for the game "Of Mice and Men."
Aimeeleighx published a comic 3 years ago
A downloadable comic.
Competition entry for staffs university - concept art
Rhys Reynolds rated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.

I love all the little details and stuff in your one!! The realism of it works really well :DD

Rhys Reynolds rated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.

It looks really good!!! I adore your style so much well done :D

Rhys Reynolds published a project 3 years ago
A downloadable project.
So this is all my work for Staffordshire Uni's Get into Staffs competition! Using the basic brief of: Create a series of characters for a game called "Of Mice and Men". This game is an action adventure title where all the characters are rod...
td6542ad rated a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
DariaTeodora published a asset pack 3 years ago
A downloadable asset pack.
A magic forest which turns small harmless rodents into capable adventurers, providing them with a more able, human like body. Outside of the boundaries of the magic forest, their bodies return to their former self. The player character, Ser...