Really cool game! One more proof that Locomotive Basic, together with the great CPC firmware, was the best 8-bit Basic at the time! And call &bd1c for having a coloured 4x8 font is just genius!
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Tiny Deathmatch's pageComments
You really are right! I am very proud to have owned one of the best machines of the 8-bit era, which was very poorly exploited.
Regarding the colored font trick, very apparent results can be achieved, it's a shame because I really expected more participation, once the trick was released. Maybe in the next editions...
Impresive basic game... two sizes colorful fonts, really good graphics, landscape generation, scroll, terrain destruction... impressive technical display!!
In terms of gameplay, I think that is hard to control, and the gameplay needs polishing to be more fun.
Great job, anyway.
By the way, I think that there is a problem with the cdt, at least it doesn't load in Winape.
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