Pinion - The Game
A first person puzzler.
Life inside a peaceful city but trapped behind walls. If only your wits and stealth could set you free.
Oh boy, What fun, exciting stuff everyone ... .... as we approach the finish line I've create a build that won't transition past a loading screen .... so much for the game - I quit (no not really lol)! Its these later minute and last minute snafus that really eat at you in these jams - Well back to the debugging....
Sigh.... so basically I've got a very broken game on my hands ... Still plugging holes and finding workaround solutions just to have something.... at this point its a bit less than an concept-prototype.... but hey ---- it looks pretty awesome!!!! I will also say a large part of my issues stem from not fully understanding all the Assets and their functionality and how they don't all play nicely together.... but the same burden of utilizing pre-built assets is also how I've been able to get so much done - so I think its less of a wash and more of a win.... now if only I could have submitted on time!! -- loved every minute of the journey, I'm sure I'll be able to post a late entry sometime later today (hopefully in the next couple hours).
Its not designed with a low-spec system in mind let-alone be browser based. This is a problem where trying to get into the menus, or activating the puzzle camera/cursor is not properly. The first instance of something wrong is when switching to the reticule it doesn't hide the default cursor. I assume this all must be associated with in the underlying Tools i am using. Despite all the code digging I do I can't seem to narrow down the difference between the build and the editor behavior. The interwebs tells me it might have to do with how each handles the code-execution order, but I'm not about to assess what order to setup this beastly notion. Other theories I've had are some particular seemingly useless element being accidently removed as I cleaned up my project, to that I spent some time reworking the menu-system. No luck with that. I have a nice little 'walking sim' which does have an end condition, so at least I'm not without an entry completely... which was going to be case when the Loading screen wouldn't go away.... (same issue, but I was able to remove the loading screen and now it just has a short pause/freeze between menu and game).