Hi There! Rated! ;)
Fun fun fun! Very good game! :D
Thank you if you also check and rate my project.
All the best! :)
Game's Take on the Theme
The player and enemies have to fight in a spinning whirlpool
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I really like the wateer effects, its so impressive the effects you made here, I like the overal gameplay too, all is well made. I rate graphics on top but all is cool really, if you have time please rate my game, thanks!!
Wow I love boats, it was fun trying to get out of the Whirlpool jajaaj
This was really fun, havent seen a ship game in this so far =D Naval combat is great, and the kraken! I felt like i could have had a TINY bit more control of my ship though? I was hard just to get in range of the enemy ship, but it definitely takes skill navigating the whirlpool! This made me dizzy though, control camera with mouse would have been great.
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