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Blankname301 rated a bookmarklet 2 years ago
A browser bookmarklet made in HTML5.
kaelynmauve published a bookmarklet 3 years ago
A downloadable bookmarklet for Windows and macOS.
What exactly is Spookmarklet? Spookmarklet, as its name suggests, is an easily spookable bookmarklet. It hides (i.e. closes) whenever you try to talk to it by inputting something into its text field and clicking OK. As I am a noob at coding...
yaass rated a bookmarklet 3 years ago
A browser bookmarklet made in HTML5.
supernapie published a bookmarklet 3 years ago
A browser bookmarklet made in HTML5.
Throw tomatoes at (almost) any website with this bookmarklet. Create a bookmark with a funny name and paste this into the url field: javascript:(_=>{import('').then(_=>{new TomatoSmash.Game()})...