I love the concept of this game already; I was reading An American Tragedy over the last few days and right in the 'middle' of the book, the author seemed to develop an obsession with one word in particular. I kept thinking that surely there must have been a synonym they could have used!!
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LOL yes!! This is exactly where the inspiration came from: so many authors (or even us in everyday conversation) use certain words soooooooooo much, and very rarely use others. I hadn't seen one where they decided to use the heck out of one in the middle of the book though 🤣 that's amazing! I'd love it so much if you go back and give this game a try with that word, and then you can keep it as an artifact of the overuse of that word forever 🥳
- ✨Beth
Oh, I already scoured the book once already to find the word that had most been bugging me - "tergiversation". I thought it was some kooky error in the ebook, but nope, it's a real word. I am well-read, but never encountered that before!
Now I will have to find that other word... I swear the author must have used it like 26 times. :P
LOL that's so wild that both of those words came up a bunch, despite the fact that I could probably search most books (or, like, ANY books with tergiverstation) and not find them more than a handful of times!
A few of us were just talking about how, back in the day, we learned so much of our vocabulary from having to look up new words from books. I'm glad to see the tradition lives on :D
Note: the game is $1 but it's free through November 3rd so people can grab it during and shortly after the jam :D
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