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Cherrypicking fascism definition?

A topic by Pigdev created Mar 11, 2018 Views: 69
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(3 edits)

The most accurate definition to fascism is a collectivism movement that aims for a great change in the politics of a nation through the centralization of decisions to a great leader that will guide the collective to the next movement on history, with strong nationalism and supremacist (be it class, race, gender or any other element that creates the sense of collective) elements 

Fascism comes from "fasci" a bunch of sticks tied together and it's the very core idea of fascism "individuals are weak, but together they are strong".

Besides fascism accepts capita (means of production), they tend to nationalize these said means, not too different from antifa's big brother socialism, and other collectivism cousins.

Hope your game jam succeed. Keep developing and until the next time.

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