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Kilou updated a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
1 new image
Ghilmor published a project 5 years ago
A downloadable project.
Cryptobidule est un projet en deux parties: une partie immatérielle et une partie physique. La partie immatérielle est réalisée sur Unity et consiste en un jeu d'énigmes visuelles et/ou sonores un peu abstraites fonctionant par niveaux...
Apossi published a project 5 years ago
A downloadable project for Windows and macOS.
Une pyramide controler, elle change la couleur du bonhomme qui danse sur l'application. La pyramide a trois LED, rouge, vert, bleu avec trois potentiomètre qui contrôle les leds et la couleur du personnage.
Lisa.dem published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
FiberPaint is a project on the Controller's theme. Paint with light on a cathodic television.
M.Arnaud published a tool 5 years ago
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
Sténopé is a digital creation between a black box and a device linking webcam, printer and a Raspberry pi 3. With a button connected to the Raspberry you will be able to print your pictures on live.
swgzl published a project 5 years ago
A downloadable project.
School project using a controller we made ourselves. I thought of gloves to control a character and what's best than to control a super hero. Just a need to push a button of everything disappear.
moeblobGames published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
A controller made for a school project . Drive the tank around or play with it in this Augmented Reality shooter game. Clean your messy room with your broom shooting gun.
Insalival published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Qu'est-ce que tailler un crayon? Transformer un outil devenu inutile avec le temps et l'effort afin de le remettre à jour tout en le démolissant un peu plus à chaque fois? Est-ce qu'un crayon doit forcément se détruire à petit feu pou...
Darcyandri published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Projet de création d'interactivité entre manette physique et application virtuel. Duel est un mini-jeu ou le Player doit tirer avant son adversaire après avoir charger correctement son arme.
Kilou published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Projet d'une manette un peu particulière... Incarnez un petit pion partant en quête de la couronne d'un roi !
Ahzirra published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
For this project we had to make our own controller witn an arduino out of whatever object. I choose a pepper mill because I thought it was an unusual object. In my game, you have to move the crosshair from the left to the right by turning t...
Avaloncelsus published a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game.
Essor is a simple game created in relation to a controller I made. My prototype controller is made from a 3D print and an Arduino circuitry coupled with an Ultra Sensor. The game is currently unplayable without the controller.
lui published a Small World 5 years ago
A downloadable Small World.
Little Game made with a custom made controller Control the world of these little creatures to make them enjoy their tiny world. Made by: Louis Delvigne