- Not a fan of the music stopping when you take damage.
- Put some concurrency limits on the sound effects, Jesus Christ. Killing that huge swarm of enemies with a bomb in one of the challenges is permanent hearing damage territory.
- The blue hitbox doesn't stand out great. Maybe add a larger circle around it to make it easier to judge where it is at a glance.
- The shield boss's first phase lasts for too long compared to the second and is pretty repetitive.
- The design for the shield boss is really bland. Good enemy design can go a long way in making them more interesting and motivating to fight.
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RoboTemplar's itch.io pageComments
Thank you for playing every DD Qwott.
- Not a fan of the music stopping when you take damage.
I can see If can make it an option, I assume hitstop on hit is fine?
- Put some concurrency limits on the sound effects, Jesus Christ.
Yes, earrape is bad. I didn't even know you could put limits on concurrent sounds, I'll try to balance that.
- The blue hitbox doesn't stand out great. Maybe add a larger circle around it to make it easier to judge where it is at a glance.
Got it
- the shield boss's first phase lasts for too long compared to the second and is pretty repetitive.
I had another atk for the shield boss itself(cutted for reasons*), and I guess the boss is the problem? For example adding more type of Options that follow the boss won't solve the issue for you? Another example, if the boss had less life (so you would play phase one just two times) it would be better? My philosophy so far is to have quick but deadly boss encounters, like contra, not marathons like ddp and some touhou.
- The design for the shield boss is really bland. Good enemy design can go a long way in making them more interesting and motivating to fight.
I'll see what I can do about that, I'm a noob artist and for now I'm just smashing things together as I go.
Thank you again, and GL with your game.
>I can see If can make it an option, I assume hitstop on hit is fine?
The hitstop is fine. I saw you mentioned Hollow Knight as an inspiration, and I thought it was pretty jarring there as well. Maybe add some kind of effect to highlight the player and whatever hit you during the hitstop.
>I had another atk for the shield boss itself(cutted for reasons*), and I guess the boss is the problem? For example adding more type of Options that follow the boss won't solve the issue for you? Another example, if the boss had less life (so you would play phase one just two times) it would be better? My philosophy so far is to have quick but deadly boss encounters, like contra, not marathons like ddp and some touhou.
It's more that the second phase is just a lot more engaging. It can't really hurt you in phase 1 and you're mostly just flying in circles to get it to stop blocking your shots instead of dodging attacks.
I also noticed that boss projectiles don't despawn when the boss dies. Make them do that so you can't die after a boss is already dead.
I have played a different version some months ago.
I do not know whether it is a bug, but in the first boss room, I might have gotten stuck in strafing mode, such that I only exited strafing mode while holding 'space' or 'shift'.
When I first entered the boss room, I had a huge number of charges, maybe 42. When I died and respawned (I had watched the boss battle on a stream, and I got much farther on my first attempt than the streamer's first attempt, in large part due to charge as well as seeing others try it), I ended up with many fewer charges, namely 10. I assume that is a bug. So I quit the game and tried from the beginning again, since having many charges would make it much easier.
On my third try (I aborted the second try very early on once I discovered that I only had like 10 charges), I managed to beat the shield boss. I had zero health/shields left. And 6 charges, apparently. I think I entered with 45 charges, so I might have spent 39 charges. Ignoring difficulty and when it should be encountered, I like the boss.
The controls and movement are atypical, and players need to get used to them first, so I think the boss should be weaker or a different boss should be there or something. Or longer training levels.
I like the levels a lot, aggression and offense is a necessary tactic in some of them.
I like the second boss, finished the battle with 4 shields. I did not use any special weapons (I think I had the axe weapon).
Now I am at the challenge zone.
I finished the 4 challenges, those were fun. There was no way to exit the challenge level selection from what I could tell, so I exited it by quitting the game and starting it again.
It would be nice if you could exit to the main menu instead of only exiting the whole game.
I barely managed to complete the "unfinished, unfair" level - the last part I just rushed past the enemies.
I liked it a lot overall, I do not know if I would have been able to defeat the first boss using just 10 charges though.
Thank you so much for playing and for the meaty feedback.
I do not know whether it is a bug, but in the first boss room, I might have gotten stuck in strafing mode, such that I only exited strafing mode while holding 'space' or 'shift'.
yep it's a known bug I discovered by chance yesterday (I don't wanna bother you with my messy boolians, but in practice if you only use shift or space or pad this bug will not happen. You can only have it by pushing/mashing both shift and space together)
When I first entered the boss room, I had a huge number of charges, maybe 42. [...]. I assume that is a bug.
It's not. The mechanic is from classic castlevania, on death you lose your subWeapon and all energy you gathered. In short, is better to not die.
So I quit the game and tried from the beginning again, since having many charges would make it much easier.
Yes, that's the point. If you don't ever die till the boss you are rewarded with all the resources you gathered along the way. It's retro design, so may be very punishing. Expanded example, I could be a super douche and not give another sword pick up on the checkpoint room etc etc
Ignoring difficulty and when it should be encountered, I like the boss.
Thank you. This is my first attempt at a real boss and it should be the final challenge of the tutorial stage. With the sword, I was surprised to see almost everyone prevail
The controls and movement are atypical, and players need to get used to them first, so I think the boss should be weaker or a different boss should be there or something. Or longer training levels.
Good points, noted.
I finished the 4 challenges, those were fun. There was no way to exit the challenge level selection from what I could tell, so I exited it by quitting the game and starting it again.
This is a problem that I dunno how to solve yet, in latest demo I had an end screen.
It would be nice if you could exit to the main menu instead of only exiting the whole game.
I do not know if I would have been able to defeat the first boss using just 10 charges though.
I feel you, I'll see how to better balance it. Thanks again.
Wasn't expecting this level of polish when I saw this game posted on /agdg/.
I don't have many complaints at all, this is damn good stuff. My only real gripes are:
- The game hands out subweapon points like hotcakes and the fact that every subweapon seems to use up only one doesn't really incentivize the player to use them creatively, as it's pretty easy to just spam them
- The boss fights could be a tad tedious; switching up their attack patterns a bit could be nice. Then again, this is presumably early-game content, so maybe it would be best to save more complex bosses for later on
- The soundtrack was a bit bland
Other than that, yeah I really like this. Keep it up
Wasn't expecting this level of polish when I saw this game posted on /agdg/.
Well thanks! sadly my pixelshit is not very appealing, so ppl expect super jank.
- The game hands out subweapon points like hotcakes and the fact that every subweapon seems to use up only one doesn't really incentivize the player to use them creatively, as it's pretty easy to just spam them
I agree. I haven't dealt with subs balance for now moslty because players from last DDs never use them in the first place, so it's to my design incentivize their use. Beyond that I left on purpose a ton of energy on the JetSword level because I wanted to give the opportunity to a clever player to take everything and kill the whole game with it (imagine a full holy water run in castlevania1).
- The boss fights could be a tad tedious; switching up their attack patterns a bit could be nice. Then again, this is presumably early-game content, so maybe it would be best to save more complex bosses for later on
Yep, as a tutorial boss I thought 2 phases were enough; In reality I thought of a third one, but maybe it was too much for a first boss. I'll adjust after I see some other player/streamers feedback.
Thanks a lot for playing!
robotemplar is always a fun time
i played through it again using KBM. i tried the outer walls and the challenge modes this time around
the gobbo run mode was fun, but a bit simple. i was about to clear the whole thing in 1 go. i didn't like how some paths (ex: choke points between rooms) required me to hit a -1 time box. if the player has to hit them, may as well just reduce the total time by that amount instead, since presenting the player with a "bad choice" and giving him no options to avoid it is generally always annoying (for me, at least)
the PAT mode was hard, but it was a fun challenge. i wasn't able to beat it, though
the pacifist mode i couldn't figure out, i got blocked by that plant. i dont have the head for puzzlegames, so i assume im being a brainlet
for the outer wall levels: i don't like having the floor, well, *there* for the anti meteor shields. getting into them often times meant Deus Vult Man will begin walking since i accidentally touched the ground, killing my momentum. i don't know what solution you could implement here without just getting rid of the floor and making it some space section thing, though.
something i noticed that's new to me was that taking damage would pause/freeze the game for .5 seconds. this felt awful and im unsure if this is a deliberate change or a bug. it feels like an error, and i don't remember this being in the previous version i played. i don't mean that the player would be invulnerable or something - the whole game would stutter for some time, then would proceed as normal. no clue what that's about
there were some menu shenanigans, and the game doesnt like me alttabbing - the character would enter a non-stop-shooting mode, but aside from that nothing was particularly awful
keep in mind im a KBM warrior, so my opinions are really not the ones you should read for balance suggestions or such things.
either way, fun as always. i would consider at this point to have an option setting in the menu, since i dont like having to wait to be ingame before lowering sound/music, especially when i know it'll be loud. music also reset it's volume (to be louder?) when i first accessed the volume options.
keep up the good work
Thank you for the kind words Towerdev. Dunno why you still have a santa hat in july XD
the gobbo run mode was fun, but a bit simple. i was about to clear the whole thing in 1 go. i didn't like how some paths (ex: choke points between rooms) required me to hit a -1 time box. if the player has to hit them, may as well just reduce the total time by that amount instead, since presenting the player with a "bad choice" and giving him no options to avoid it is generally always annoying (for me, at least)
I get you, my design for the challenges needs to improve, I never designed a timed race before and the bad feel to be forced to pick up a timeDown is fair.
the pacifist mode i couldn't figure out, i got blocked by that plant. i dont have the head for puzzlegames, so i assume im being a brainlet
If you mean BombaRun (palm icon) the solution is easy, you bomb to move forward.
what solution you could implement here without just getting rid of the floor and making it some space section thing, though
Yes, I have in mind to continue the level in deep space, but for now that level is quarantined.
something i noticed that's new to me was that taking damage would pause/freeze the game for .5 seconds. this felt awful and im unsure if this is a deliberate change or a bug. it feels like an error, and i don't remember this being in the previous version i played. i don't mean that the player would be invulnerable or something - the whole game would stutter for some time, then would proceed as normal. no clue what that's about
That's the hitstop+stop music when you get damaged. Players requested it on previous dd because they wanna be sure they know when they are hit (even if you become transparent for 2s when you get hit). It's a mechanic from hollow knight, I dunno right now if my implementations has some faults, so we'll see how many ppl it bothers.
there were some menu shenanigans, and the game doesnt like me alttabbing - the character would enter a non-stop-shooting mode, but aside from that nothing was particularly awful
thanks for reminding me, it's a known bug that I still haven't squashed. it's the simple "don't take inputs if you are not the app in focus" thing.
i would consider at this point to have an option setting in the menu, since i dont like having to wait to be ingame before lowering sound/music, especially when i know it'll be loud. music also reset it's volume (to be louder?) when i first accessed the volume options.
Ye, I have to fix main menu options since 2dd ago, I really hate working with ui.
Thanks again, and gj for fixing your doors
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