It feels like you get hung up on objects too easily. Its too dark to see. The camera movement when you're standing still is annoying. Can't "turn" upwards if you're already colliding with the thing, but you also can't view/interact from the side. There wasn't enough feedback for what happened when collecting a blinking thing. Clunky movement, felt like I should be able to move through places that i couldn't. But the art feels potentially good, its just too dark to see it! And you've got items, combat, interaction.. its a good start! Some of the train tracks seemed nonsensical.
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Project Abel v0.1 DD16 Demo (OUTDATED)'s pageComments
Sorry man. Running Windows 10 on a craptop, the game loaded and while the cursor-reticle displayed and the ambient lights played, could not get it to register the WASD or any other keys. Tried running as Administrator, compatibility mode, the works. Stock still character. Mocking me for trying to play it.
Fuck dear lord, you can't make your character blend in the background that much anon, please.
Make a light that he emits go behind him or something.
- The running animation is too fast for this movement speed, you really need to tweak one or the other.
- The diagonal run seems faster than horizontal/vertical.
- If you aim while running, you'll play run animation all the time you're aiming, and when you stop aiming the character turns right all the time.
- Some interactions were pissy about me having to face them.
Fighting was fine and seemed fairly balanced, with active reloading, and how fast enemies and you were.
I've skipped past a few zombies pretty easily.
Good SH/RE vibes, work on the level design and maybe implement a map if you're planning for this thing to be non-linear somewhat.
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