Windows Defender once again blocked the .exe file for me (Windows 10). Not sure which engine you're using, but I've seen that problem with a few Game Maker projects (including some of my own). Usually, exporting a .zip archive with the game files inside solves the problem. The game works the same, but the Defender is a bit picky about single .exe files from the internet.
Thanks for letting me know! It's GameMaker indeed. I had issues with Windows Defender before, but setting Company-/ Product-name for the games seemed to solve the issue back then. I'm going to try your solution!
Cute game! I included it in my A Game By It’s Cover 2018 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Windows Defender once again blocked the .exe file for me (Windows 10). Not sure which engine you're using, but I've seen that problem with a few Game Maker projects (including some of my own). Usually, exporting a .zip archive with the game files inside solves the problem. The game works the same, but the Defender is a bit picky about single .exe files from the internet.
Thanks for letting me know! It's GameMaker indeed. I had issues with Windows Defender before, but setting Company-/ Product-name for the games seemed to solve the issue back then. I'm going to try your solution!