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RogueAxolotl published a game 250 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.
Substitute Chef is a fast-paced food preparation game where you have to figure out how to make burgers from sushi ingredients. Created as Upper Management MD's submission for WPI IDGA 2023 A-Term Game Jam.
ZackRobinson published a game 250 days ago
A downloadable game for Windows.
Protect the hero from your minions and have them slay the monster! Also, you are the monster.
Mantis published a monstrosity 250 days ago
A downloadable monstrosity for Windows.
You are a ghost who haunts various locations. Your goal is to accomplish tasks in the most infuriating way possible. Interact with and combine the objects in the environment in ways that would bother anyone watching.
Marvin1314 published a game 250 days ago
A downloadable game.
You are a single assassin enjoying the single life, but when your parents insist you start going out, you devise a plan to kill two birds with one stone. The plan is simple, go to a park and make your date's death seem like an accident. The...
coolSkaterBoy015 published a miracle 250 days ago
A downloadable miracle.
a very incomplete game about being annoying and loud
Oinkymoo published a game 250 days ago