The game looks good, and sound effects is also pretty good. The gameplay was okay, but for me it was not super interesting. Overall is this a good jam game. Well done.
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FREEZE IT's pageTeam Name
LMGN Studios
Gameplay Instructions
WSAD=move, space=jump, mouse=look, keys 1-4 to select weapons, left mouse=shoot, right mouse=freeze time
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
All sounds, animations, effects, music, models & blueprints were created by myself during the gamejam timeframe, with the exception of the following sourced assets:
AireExterior Font
Dead Hills Landscape v2.0 (re-textured and modified)
Various sound samples from Gamemaster Audio (sampled, layered and modified; footsteps, bullet impact sounds)
Link to Gameplay Footage
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