Grandma plays half-life alyx ! Genius !
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Final War, Final Days's pageTeam Name
Gameplay Instructions
Oculus Touch controls and HTV Vive. Use grip, trigger, lower face button ( or pad down for Vive ), and right stick. This game uses a unique movement mechanic. Use a mobility walker to get around. Make sure to pick up the watch at the start, Poking it will teleport you to the walker allowing faster travel and help getting unstuck. The walker has holsters and a tray to store weapons and ammo.
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Amplify Lut Pack, Materialize, Good Sky, Synty Polygon assets ( Apocalypse, city, construction, office, prototype, scifi, scifi space ), Ultimate SFX Bundle.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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