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A jam submission

BlackoutView game page

Hold your breath or drown in a perilous underwater cave.
Submitted by Nocturnal Arts (@nocturnaIarts) — 25 minutes, 58 seconds before the deadline
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Team Name
Nocturnal Arts

Gameplay Instructions
A tunnel collapse has left Steve the Scubaman trapped in an underwater cave. The only option for escape is to make every breath count — navigating a sea of lethal obstacles, deadly traps and of course, sharks... lots of sharks.

Objective —

Reach the end of the cave without drowning, being blown up, impaled or (potentially) eaten. Every move you make and object you hit consumes valuable air, so be smart and leverage everything the cave throws at you!

Controls —

Windows, Keyboard + Mouse

WASD - Movement

E - Pickup

Q - Drop

Mouse - Look/Interact

LMB - Shoot

R - Reset

ESC - Exit

Tips —

Air pockets act as checkpoints. Make sure to surface at least once to save your progress.

Make tiny precise adjustments and use the character's momentum to move about as this minimizes air use.

Oxygen tanks are your friend, take them with you! You can resupply while carrying an item so place them ahead in strategic locations before you execute your moves.

The speargun has infinite ammo and is intentionally wonky to use to create additional challenge.

Link to Gameplay Footage

What platform is your game built for?


List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Furious Freak — Kevin Macleod (Incompetech)
Bushcraft —
Ambient Cave Sound — Own Collection

All other assets and game play created during the jam period.

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An interesting little game idea. Love the visual style and the sounds is really good. The controls is okay, but is some times a too frustrating. For me did the rag-doll animation not make a lot sense in this game. Overall a fine jam game.  


Thanks for the feedback! :)