A fun idea and some fun drawings. The rhythm part of the game did not seemed to be working super well, and I did not really understand the connection to the tower defence game.
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Gameplay Instructions
Rhythm style game. The player only uses A, S, D to control and mouse to click on some UI.
Link to Gameplay Footage
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Animal, Sheep, Herd, Walk Close, Bleating 2 SND14882 3.wav from Soundly
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Music Box, Playing, 18th Century 1.wav from Soundly
Music, Xylophone, Large, Forest, Played By Children, Recorded Underneath, Scotland.wav from Soundly
Toys, Fun, Pea Shooter, Deep SND6904.wav from Soundly
Toys, Toy Tambourine, Single Hit SND33282.wav from Soundly
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