Thanks for playing! The power ups I ended up hand drawing and scanning in, I couldn’t find any free ones I liked. The last level is a button mash stage. I’m glad you won :)
Good idea. My poor penguin tripped and was jumping on his side. Being able to control with a key on the keyboard or simply by pressing LEFT MOUSE BUTTON anywhere would make it easier.
I don't understand how, but I won:p
The graphics needs some polishing, the penguin is really cute tho.
Thanks for playing! The power ups I ended up hand drawing and scanning in, I couldn’t find any free ones I liked. The last level is a button mash stage. I’m glad you won :)
Good idea. My poor penguin tripped and was jumping on his side. Being able to control with a key on the keyboard or simply by pressing LEFT MOUSE BUTTON anywhere would make it easier.
Cool :)
Could make it so that the space bar would push the white button?
A mouseless "1 button" game is always better :)
Nice ideas and cute graphics, congrats!