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Kupla (Pixel Game Jam 2024)View game page

Made for Pixel Game Jam 2024
Submitted by AntfolkGames โ€” 1 day, 2 hours before the deadline
Rated by 11 people so far
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Great game! That was really fun! The recharge mechanic was really interesting once I figured out how it works. I liked being able to test different builds out to see which playstyle I liked best. Having the shadows appear before the fire was a great mechanic to let the player plan their route and adjust on the fly. I think this was a super polished game that just needs a little balancing to be great. Well done!

Submitted (1 edit)

nice i like the art, i kept running out of the water tho


Well done! The art is very cute. Funny how innocent the fire enemies look when it could kill you, love it


Nice Vampire-Survivor-like game! It was really fun and the SFX are also quite fitting! I would love to see an expansion of the game with more enemies, more spells and upgrades. Overall good job! 


It's very good, enjoyed the upgrades and putting out the fires. I think at a certain point the reload never shows up and if I didn't get rid of the enemies I think I have to just die, but overall it's fun to play it.


I quite like the mechanics, with more progression would probably be a successful title


Really nice game, maybe some more content would be a fit


Really solid jam game idea, had a really fun time starting to play. Clean controls, the potential is really high with more upgrades maybe ?


very beautiful colorful and vibrant assets, the deliberate use of water is also interesting and I can see it can be explored further


I really liked the game! fun, beautiful and functional!

The game has a great, interesting and incredible proposal, a very fun bullethell and a pleasure to play

Please play and review my game!