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A member registered Jun 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game is really fun! Eventhough there isn't a real aim the goal of actually finishing is enough for it to be sustainable. I come back to this game in my free time just to enjoy a little round of modified solitaire!

Great job, would love to see it be expanded!

Cute little game! The mechanics are unique and the level looks awesome. I couldn't last very long though, but still had a blast trying to repair everything and nothing at the same time!

Thank you! Sounds like you enjoyed our game!

(2 edits)

Thank you! We feel flattered from all of this positive feedback. The cloud was supposed to be used for certain situations. If the cooldown was too low, then players could spam the cloud and thus skip everything. That's why we wanted to keep the cooldown rather high. But I get your point. Maybe you could make the cooldwon level specific?

But it sounds like you enjoyed our game, and that is the most important thing!

Your game has a lot of potential! The art was cute, the SFX were well chosen. It all fits the style. The controls are a bit too difficult for me, but it could be a skill issue (probably). But overall, a cute little game! Great job!

I really liked your game. The art is adorable and the animations too! A little story would make it come together more, but overall you guys did a great job! 

We feel flattered! Thank you so much! We really appreciate your feedback!

Thank you very much!

A really cute and relaxing game. I had some problems with placing the plants, but overall a very well made game. Great job guys!

Nice Vampire-Survivor-like game! It was really fun and the SFX are also quite fitting! I would love to see an expansion of the game with more enemies, more spells and upgrades. Overall good job! 

Hi MFaseeh! I invite you to play and rate our game. Here is the link

Have Fun!

Ahh, ok! Now it makes more sense! xD

Cute little game! The music and the art fit the overall style very well. For some reason I had some snake vibes. Well done!

Thank you very much! Maybe we could expand on it in the future, if you see some potential. Hope you had fun!

Great visuals, fun gameplay and very much theme related. Overall fun little game!

Really cute game! The management part is fun and interesting. The visuals are great and the SFX as well. Overall great little game!

Fun little game! I had some trouble with the oxygen. Was there a way to refill my oxygen? But besides that, nicely done game. Good job!

Fun little game! There were a few bugs, like the music stopped when I died in the first level. But nothing too crazy. Overall a cute little underwater game!

Cute game! Music and SFX fit the overall style of the game. The story is compelling and the gameplay not too easy (which I like). Overall well made. Great game!

Thank you! Sounds like you enjoyed it. :D

Hi Matteuss! We are a team of two people already. We would love you to join our team for the game jam! I believe we can make things work. If you are interested hit me up on discord!

Discord: Christian Klier#7986

Hi Max! I would love to collaborate with you, if you'd obliged, of course! My Discord is: Christian Klier#7986

Hi T8T0! I'm a (versatile) programmer and I would love to collaborate, if you'd obliged, of course!

Awe! That's a bummer. I'm using Godot 4. But good luck to you!

Hi Beg_Dev,

I would like to join your team if you'd obliged, of course. What game engine are you using?

(1 edit)

Hi Neat Ducks! I would like to team up with you for the game jam. But, I'm also a programmer though. If you are interested nonetheless, add me on discord! Discord alias: Christian Klier#7986