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Dracalis rated Shuriken

Dracalis rated a game 7 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS.

Shuriken is a short and challenging experience. Having to recollect your thrown projectiles is a fun gimmick as you explore the maze. The game is well-polished, with nice animations, particle effects for jumping and collisions, and screen shake to give the game feel that extra kick.

I do think the level design could benefit from a few tweaks. There were some parts where I passed a challenging obstacle course only to find out that I didn't have enough keys to continue. The respawning enemies felt cheap in some sorts too. For instance, there were parts where I would jump up and the camera would follow, bringing enemies onto the screen that would chase me. When I landed, the camera would follow me back down just a tiny bit, taking the spawn points out of view. I'd defeat those enemies, and as soon as I'd jump to continue, they'd be there again and kill me.

I also think that the player's hit box is too large. I could collide with walls with one pixel of negative space remaining, and there were numerous times where I got hit when it really felt like I shouldn't have.

Thankfully, save points aren't too far apart.

While there were a few frustrating design decisions, it was overall an enjoyable game, especially for a jam title. Worth a play if you want a tough and polished action game that lasts an hour or so.