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Rastagong rated Lucky Me, Lucky You

Rastagong rated a game 5 years ago
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux.

Lucky Me, Lucky You is among my favourite smaller VNs by ebi-hime, if not among my favourite EVNs altogether! 

It is somewhat unusual by VNs' standard, and hence unfortunately  not very well-known:
It is a “story without a point”, yet it's not pure slice-of-life or romance either. It has a contemporary Japanese setting, and delves into raw subject matters like pornography, but without going as far as focusing on a stylised criminal underworld.

In short, LMLY is a story of urban everyday life and loneliness.
With its focus on a meaningless situations, it's often bleak, but is still absolutely imbued with a lot of care and humour.
Its eccentric main characters differ from the usual ebi-hime protagonists in a lot of ways, but are just as iconic and adorable.
I found the presentation very fitting too: the minimalist photographic backgrounds in black & white put against colourful character sprites, the choice of lowkey relaxing electronic music… It all made for a very memorable experience.
I highly recommend this VN if you're looking for a short, somewhat bleak but also very endearing story about living in a big, uncaring world, and still finding joy in it!