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RonarsCorruption rated Babel

A downloadable game.

There's a lot of intrigue in the pages of this book. Unfortunately, the rules are put together in such a way to make understanding the game so much harder than it needs to be, to a point where after reading the rules the first time, I didn't think I could actually sit down and play the game.

Some of the things I had issues with were:

- The fonts. Headers, and especially the capital Y, are a font that is so fancy it is hard to actually read. I spent a full thirty seconds on page five wondering what the header "Dou" meant.

- The dictaphone. I don't like how the game describes both being present, and you go through all the trouble of creating a fancy journal, then... you kinda just read your journal entries aloud to the dictaphone if you want? It feels redundant, plus it feels anachronistic which takes me out of the game in a bad way. If there was the option to have one or the other as an accessibility thing, I could get that, but having both doesn't feel like it works.

- The order of presentation. it took me multiple reads through the Setup, Game, and How To Play sections to get an idea how the game would play. For example, other than using the true name as a counter, do they do anything? Not as far as I can tell. And what if your true name contains a letter that only exists once in a scrabble set, like X or Z, do you just not have the ability to beat the game by collecting the letters of the alphabet?