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Kicking Off Assignment 3: Team Collaboration and Early Development Insights

Hello everyone,

As the weeks continue on, I am faced with a new challenge, Assignment 3. A collaboration effort of a small group to bring to life through multiple iterations of one of our games ready for playtesting and feedback.

Introducing The Team:

  • The Innovators: Comprising talented classmates from various backgrounds, our team is a blend of beginner game designers, myself as a software developer. Each member brings a unique skill set, driving creativity and innovation.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: We've aligned our roles based on our strengths—some focus on building the game, others on design, and all working together on playtesting. This synergy ensures we cover all aspects of game development efficiently.

Early Development Progress:

  • The Idea: As a group we concluded that using my existing Idea from Game 3: “Escape the Blast” was the choice going forward.
  • Initial Prototyping: Early prototyping will commence once the group has been finalised and collaborative tools are set up.

Looking Forward:

The road ahead is filled with development challenges, learning opportunities, and undoubtedly, a bit of fun. I’m excited to see where this end up now there is a team involved.

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