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Reflecting on 'Escape the Blast': Post-Mortem and Final Design Insights

Hello everyone,

As I am reaching the finish line for the design of Game 3 “Escape the blast” I’m here to share my post-mortem insights and the final design that I am using for my second assignment submission.

Post-Mortem of 'Escape the Blast':
Developing "Escape the Blast" has been a journey filled with fast-paced challenges and crucial learning moments. Here's what stood out:

  • Game Mechanics Challenges: Balancing the fuel management and obstacle dynamics was tricky. We wanted to ensure the game was challenging yet fair, which required several iterations based on play tester feedback.
  • Visual Integration: Enhancing the game's immersion through detailed environments and impactful design significantly improved the player experience.
  • Key Successes: Our dynamically generated obstacles and game mechanics were highlights, receiving positive feedback for adding depth and replay value.

Final Design Adjustments for Assignment 2:

  • User Interface Enhancements: I have refined the UI for better clarity, making critical information like fuel and health levels more readable.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Based on player insights, we added more explicit cues for resource levels and introduced more power-ups to aid survival, which were implemented to make the game more engaging.

Looking Ahead:

With the initial game design now complete, I am excited to see how the game may change in potential future iterations as I continue my game design journey.

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