One of the main problems we as a developer team have been having is actually getting the source control to work. From checked out files, to losing assets, to things being seemingly randomly deleted, it's been a complete pain. So there are a few things we should talk about
First step to having good source control is being thorough. When learning a new program in general, there will always be many hiccups, so make backups aplenty, and ALWAYS save to the source. If you have an issue, load the backup and see what went wrong.
Second thing is to keep in contact with the others you're working with. If you're working alone, this isn't a necessary step. But if you aren't, you have to keep communications open in order to make sure two people aren't working on the same file. If they are, then there will be conflicts - huge pain in the butt for everyone. I suggest giving everyone their own little space to work with. Makes it a lot easier.
Third is to not lose patience. It might seem like an odd thing, but you ever just get infuriated with an inanimate object for not doing something? It's like that, but worse. If you're getting mad, just go for a walk or something. Go drink water, take your mind off the problem and come back later. This is general life advice, quite frankly. Getting mad seldom solves problems, it just makes new ones. That being said, seldom doesn't mean never. If you need to hit something to get it to work, bang away.
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