During this week, KALBR Productions had to spend a bit of time sorting out the workings of a new version control software we are using called Perforce. Mainly, the problem we were having is that files were not transferring over correctly and when we update the files, old files in our workspace would not be overwritten with the new data. This ended up causing a big backlash for productivity as we had to spend much of our time figuring out why things weren't being pulled properly.
After a couple of hours, we ended up fixing this issue with Perforce by creating extra zip files of the things we needed and putting them inside the depot itself. Also to fix the issues we had with the data of old files not updating, we ended up renaming the files in the project and removing the old files in the depot and readding them in order to update the old files to the new ones. Also we were able to get used to having to check in and check out for each thing we were working on in the project as it did cause some of us not able to work on the same file at the same time. So now that we fixed all of this we should be able to get everything sorted and properly made into levels of what we need now.
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