Not a whole lot to report, but progress is progress. I made some changes and corrections to the work I had already done. Adjusted some things to work better, be smarter, etc. But the big thing I did was add a debug mode (sorta).
I created an app variable that I can toggle from the menu scene, which enables/disables the display of a UI with some buttons that allow me to add/remove objects from the game. Took a bit of work to get it to do what I want, but now when I'm testing things I won't need to manually drag objects into the scene and instead I can just push a simple button!
I have a feeling I will continue working today though. It's still so early and my brain juices are flowing. I should see if I can do some sort of object pooling (even if it's just something simple and stupid) for the player's projectiles. I will probably want to use something like that for a number of things in the game.
Just remember, every little step is one step closer to completion. That's what I'm telling myself anyway. I know that game development takes time. I can literally picture in my head exactly how I want this game to look and work, but making that a reality will take a lot of time and effort. When can you expect something playable? Never. But I'm hopeful I'll get something up one day. I think there are still a few systems I need to make before I do that.
Like, I need my projectiles to actually destroy things. I need some sort of score keeping, and health maybe. And, of course, I need a way to spawn more targets. Yep, so much to do!
Edit: Well, I couldn't help myself so I added a bit of object pooling to my projectiles. Very simple thing, not using one of those complicated systems with GUIDs or anything. But, this way it will instantiate a new projectile when it needs one, but otherwise it should just cycle through the same game object over and over again. This should allow for adjusting the projectile fire rate, speed, range, etc. Will allow for having thousands of objects without much overhead spawning them (I hope).
Edit edit: Well, I've kept working a bit. Decided I wanted to pretty up the ship, so I added a particle trail. Took a while to get it quite how I wanted, but I think it looks pretty cool! Now that I think about it, I should just make the particle trail it's own thing. . .
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