Hello everyone again! We are coming back with more news on our game Evil Has a Name.
After weeks of play testing we made much progress on the game and found some bugs and some broken monsters at one point almost killed one player in one turn. Players at least understand how to get into rooms and how to activate their ascension skill and fight the bosses. Players also seem to understand items and how they work. Players also seem to easily understand the movement and monster fighting ability however they seemed too had a hard time opening the bosses to fight. they also seem to understand the abilities of their cards. At one point a player found a bug where they were able to keep and draw more cards without discarding any cards. Also the combat between players seemed easy to understand after two turns in which they were confused on how they can use their cards. Players also enjoyed being rewarded items before fighting which helped them through fighting monsters and players. As of feedback make rules of cards in hand clear and make it easier to unlock bosses so players can fight it and access their ascension skills. Start subtracting monster card power from left to right if there was too many beat. Make a way to remind players of the ability of quick test. However in the end the progress we made has been very positive and overall the players seem to enjoyed our game along with the theme of our game hope to resolve and fix the issues and balance out the game more so players can advance and the game can also advance time-wise lastly we also have a surprise change for next with our map. With it taking a unique and different turn we hope our players enjoy it and thank them for playing our game!
Below are some images of our playtest!
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