the theme for this month's jam is "public domain" :D
the jam page is up and the jam will run from tomorrow through the end of january - I hope you'll join us in making a small game!
in addition to the jam, I also have important news to share about the bitsy forum and discord channel
TLDR: the bitsy talk discord channel is winding down, and I am re-opening the bitsy forum here on
I know this will be surprising news and it's natural to be a little sad: for the last several years, the bitsy talk discord channel (aka "bitscord") has been the main community gathering spot for all things bitsy - the place to talk about jams, share games, look for help, organize community projects, etc. all this has been made possible by the hard work of the amazing volunteer moderators - special thanks is due to candle in particular, who has been shouldering all moderator responsibilities for a while now!
candle, however, no longer has time to moderate the discord and there's no obvious person to take over from them. as for myself, I'm not active enough on discord to take on moderation duties over there. therefore, we've made the decision to wind down the discord channel over the next 4 weeks - after february 10th, bitsy talk will be put into "read only" mode. (I believe candle will be posting an announcement over on discord soon as well.)
in more cheerful news: as of today I've re-opened the bitsy forum! it won't happen overnight, but I'm hoping over time the forum will come to fill the gap left by the discord. I hope I'll see y'all over there! in fact, why not head over now and introduce yourself? (and don't forget to read the rules)
stay well y'all!
- adam
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I haven't any idea about public domain... ^_^'
Should I to choose any character who's have the public domain tag?
Alice in Wonderland?
sure! incorporating a public domain character like that is a great idea! :)
also the jam themes are always very loose and are mainly intended to spark the imagination so the reference can be quite small - for example, since you mentioned alice in wonderland you could just include a copy of alice in wonderland on a character's bookshelf, or some kind of reference to it (a pocket watch, a rabbit, etc)
or honestly, if the theme isn't working for you, you're free to ignore it altogether! >:D
good luck <3