This project is a part of a school project where I will be creating the first level of this game.
Robo Escape (Working Title)
The game is a first person platformer where you play as an old worker robot that wakes up in an underground factory and you must traverse floors in order to reach the surface. On the way you will need to activate certain panels in each level so that you can use the elevator to go to the next highest floor. Designers: Joseph Horak
The player’s goal is to overcome each floor until they are able to reach the surface.
The player has multiple objectives on each level so they have to platform around the level and complete each of them to open the goal (elevator). Along the way they experience new obstacles and mechanics (listed below).
Obstacles: moving platforms, slippery goo (NO), spikes, crushing pistons, harder platforming areas that reward the player with collectibles
Mechanics: jump, run, slide, grapple hook, can use grapple hook to activate objectives so player doesn’t lose momentum
Art Style / Concept
Change oiled sections to spike sections so player still has control