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Ultra Hat Dimension

Solve puzzles using hats, get punched! · By Eniko

FAQ / Technical Issues Sticky Locked

A topic by Eniko created Jul 16, 2020 Views: 510
This topic is locked
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General Questions

How do I report crashing bugs?

First, locate the directory Ultra Hat Dimension stores its user files. On Windows type %APPDATA% (with the percent signs) into the address bar at the top of file explorer and open the "Ultra Hat Dimension" folder. On Linux this folder will be under XDG_DATA_HOME, and on Mac under /Library/Application Support in your home.

Send any of the following files which exist in this folder to, along with a description of the problem and - if possible - instructions to reproduce the issue: "run.log", "crash.log".


If the game crashes on startup, please check the technical issues for specific issues that might be affecting you, or follow the instructions here for general troubleshooting, checking to see if your problem has been resolved after each step.

  1. Run the game again if it crashes on startup
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Update your video drivers
  4. Uninstall and reinstall Ultra Hat Dimension entirely
  5. If you have anti-virus installed try whitelisting Ultra Hat Dimension

Technical Issues

Black screen on startup, no crash, but I can hear music

This is probably an issue with your display drivers, please update your display drivers to the most recent version.

I have massive FPS drops

This may be a conflict with third party graphics software, particularly the Razer Cortex software. If you have Razer Cortex software installed disable the FPS counter, or disable or uninstall the software entirely.

The game doesn't start when I run it (no crash)

This may be an issue with your anti-virus software, particularly Avast. If this happens please try the following potential solutions:

  1. Restart the app
  2. Restart your computer (and the app)
  3. Close the app and restart it by right clicking on the shortcut and selecting "Run as administrator"

This may also be caused by an incompatibility in the SATA AHCI controller on Windows 10 systems, particularly those upgraded from an earlier version of Windows. For information on this issue see 'The game doesn't start or crash and it's not my anti-virus' below.

Game crashes on startup using a laptop with an Intel integrated graphics chip and an AMD/Nvidia GPU

Your system may be trying to run Ultra Hat Dimension on your integrated graphics rather than on your GPU. Please follow the guide that matches your GPU (AMD or Nvidia).


  • Go to the NVIDIA Control Panel by right clicking on your desk top and clicking on "NVIDIA Control Panel".
  • In the default screen that pops up (it should be "manage 3D settings", and the "Program Settings" tab should be automatically selected), under "1. Select a program to customize:" hit the "Add" button.
  • From here, navigate to the folder where you installed Super Bernie World.
  • Select SuperBernieWorld.exe and click open.
  • Then, under "2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program:" open the drop-down menu and select "High-performance NVIDIA processor".
  • Finally, hit apply in the far bottom right corner.
  • Restart the itch app and/or your computer if necessary.

AMD: (NOTE: The process for AMD GPUs may vary.)

  • Go to Graphics > PowerPlay - Set Plugged In and Battery to Maximum Performance. Click Apply.
  • If applicable to your graphics card, go to Graphics > 3D and move the slider across to Performance so it is set for Optimal Performance. Click Apply.
  • Find the Switchable Graphics tab in your Catalyst Control Center if present, and navigate to the folder where you installed Super Bernie World. Locate SuperBernieWorld.exe, and set it to High Performance. Click Apply.
  • Restart the itch app and/or your computer if necessary.

The game doesn't start or crash and it's not my anti-virus

If you've tried the steps to make Ultra Hat Dimension work with your antivirus and you're running Windows 10, the cause may be a rare incompatibility in some SATA AHCI controllers, especially on systems that were upgraded to Windows 10 from an earlier version.

To fix this follow these steps:

  • Open the Control Panel
  • Open 'Hardware and Sound'
  • Select 'Device Manager' under the 'Devices and Printers' heading
  • Expand the 'IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers' item
  • Select the controller with 'SATA AHCI' in its name. To verify that you've selected the right controller, right-click the controller, select 'Properties', click the 'Driver' tab, and click 'Driver Details'. Verify that iastor.sys (or iastora.sys) is a listed driver, and click OK.
  • From the 'Driver' tab, select 'Update Driver'.
  • Select 'Browse my computer for driver software'.
  • Select 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'.
  • Select 'Standard SATA AHCI Controller'
  • Click 'Next', then 'Close', and then restart your computer.