This game is a 2D turn based game where you travel through randomly generated dungeons in a fantasy setting. The main focus of the game lies on both it's turn based combat and resource management.
The game is inspired by games like "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon", and with this game I tried to recreate the things I loved about the Gameboy.
Here's a link to the original Itch page:
So I posted the game a couple of days ago, both on the Google Play store and on Itch, and I've been trying to get some attention for the game by posting it on reddit and sharing it on social media. But the mail from Itch that let me know that my game was successfully posted also contained a few tips to further increase my audience, and the main tip was to post it here, so I took that advice ;).
Anyhow, thanks for checking it out.
This is one of the screenshots, there are a few more in the original post.