Rogue Fantasy tells the tale of a villager who awakes one day to find themselves inside a mysterious dungeon.
Your journey through the dungeon will never be the same, and seeking the exit isn't easy with the countless dangers lurking around every corner. And is seeking the exit even the answer? The future is however you decide to take it.
- A procedural generated dungeon, filled with unexpected twists and turns.
- Reactive enemy AI with different parameters towards the environment and stimulus.
- Clever level design and rules that generate an unique challenge.
- Multiple tools to deal with the dangers and puzzles.
- First person combat making use of the surroundings.
- Persistent perks and traits for each attempt to get out.
© 2017 Mad Drifter Studio
Note: Until the game becomes near a state of completion, the public demo version will be 2~3 weeks behind the pre-ordered version. Pre-ordering will grant you access to the game upon release via a Steam Key and will help us put in more time to bring Rogue Fantasy to completion!