I just did my first major update on my game, Bird Panic (https://unclealias.itch.io/bird-panic), a few days ago and I think I may have messed something up. My understanding is that if you make a devlog post marked "Major Update", the game you're updating gets "bumped" chronologically in the listings. I did that, but I don't think mine was. For instance, it's not showing up when I filter for "When: Last seven days". Is that only for new games?
Edit: I accidentally had it set to "Unlisted in search & browse" when I first posted the devlog, then I tried deleting it and re-posting it, so maybe that has something to do about it?
I'm not getting any new views for this update, so any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I have read the docs and still have a question,
Edit: Here's am example of a search that Bird Panic doesn't show up on, but it does if you clear "When: Last seven days" from the search criteria: https://itch.io/games/duration-minutes/free/genre-platformer/input-gamepad/last-7-days/local-multiplayer/platform-windows