Hello everybody I just released my first game yesterday, I am an aspiring game developer (still a student :P) and have almost two years of experience in Unity. The game itself is a car racing game. but the style is really on the arcade side, also the graphics are low poly which means that they are squared. I started developing the game at the start of the year as a project for my college application but then I decided that it would be a cool idea for a game and that I should complete it. Right now the game is in a alpha phase but it is totally playable and I just posted one the biggest updates since the start of development. The update included new car sounds, a brand new track, and a currency system so you can get rewards after you complete a race and then you can unlock cars. Lastly I want to thank all of you that have checked my game as of right now and keep an eye out for more updates to come as the game goes through development. (The game also got nominated for a Game Developer World Championship Award)
The games link: https://prioneto-games.itch.io/low-poly-racing
Some photos: