Hi! I'm playing this because of the big Bundle for Racial Justice and Equity - super nice game, thank you! I have to say I did a little gasp when the first actual person appeared inside the puzzle itself! Thoroughly impressed by the care and attention to detail that's gone into the presentation of this, I love the way the story weaves itself into and through the puzzles.
I do have a bug to report though - I'm on a Mac (MacOS 10.12.6, yes I know it's old, so is my laptop) and when I try and double-click on the .app file I get a message saying "BIT RAT Singularity.app" is damaged and can't be opened. I'm able to launch it from the command line by running the executable directly, but I guess there's a packaging problem somewhere. Just thought you'd like to know.
Thanks again for a great game :)