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A high-end code editor for all things GameMaker · By YellowAfterlife

[Fixed] Minor script argument drawing bug

A topic by Klno created Jun 06, 2020 Views: 204 Replies: 4
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(2 edits)

if you input a decimal number on a script without the initial 0, it won't count the argument on the script argument guideline on the bottom of the editor.

Also encountered another bug, if you write -"variable" the variable won't show autocompletion options


I'll fix these - the first one is being caused by "." not being treated as part of the number in this context (somewhat visible by syntax coloring), which is something I need to look into in general.

I could use an example of what you mean by the variable issue.

(5 edits)

Example of the variable issue, if you have the "-" before the variable it doesn't autocomplete, thanks for answering


Uploaded a new beta build that fixes both.