A 2D platformer with an epic story set in Japan during the Sengoku period: a time of civil war and social upheaval that stemmed from the Onin War, a ferocious conflict that broke out due to a dispute over the succession of the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa.
Play as a samurai warrior and travel through a war torn Kyoto to fight against the invading Yamana forces and defeat the Oni Demon that leads them to save your land, your home.
The game is currently free on our itch.io page, and includes 5 different levels, culminating in an intense boss fight with an intense soundtrack! This is a really small taste of what we are working towards. We have plans to take this to a whole new level, so if you are interested, feel free to join us on what we hope is the start of an epic journey!
-Jon and Diego