Hello there!
Welcome to the devlog of Iridium!
Alright so first things first what is Iridium? Iridium is a blend of racing and endless runner for Android as well as for browser. It is easy to learn and very fun to play and also has multiplayer! It also offers various customization. Try it out!
Alright i have been developing it for a while now, I also have a discord server for it so that I can see the bugs, your suggestions etc.
This is Version 1.2 of Iridium and things that are changed are as follows -Changed some font to make it easy to read. -Changed the opponent. -Added seeds so that you can control the randomness of tracks. -Fixed the shop now it will work perfectly! -Added obstacles in Impossible mode, it now little harder! -Fixed some other bugs.
Give your suggestions on how I can make it even better and at last enjoy the game!!
https://mighty17.itch.io/iridium/ Here is the game!