What do you think of the product? Feel free to share your feedback below!
Videos and streams are highly welcomed and can help speed up bug testing.
Pros: Suprisingly enjoyable was playing with a couple friends spectating and we were all having a good time.
Bug: Quit unexpectly after the first proper level.
Future Improvement: Some improved textures will massively help the game grab attention. Prehaps have a wooden pallets under the boxes to improve realism. The red bots are a cool concept but unsure what their gameplay purpose is?
I found the game very enjoyable. I felt that the introduction animated part with the voice over a very nice feature. The tutorial level was particularly good as a simple yet fun introduction to the game. I felt the game itself was very fun and found the addition of the objects being breakable was a great way to add an extra challenge which is miserably failed at. Overall I liked the design of the game it was done in a very arcade style which really made me feel like I was playing an old arcade game. I liked the option to customise the forklift as well, the pun in the title is also a great addition. All in all a fantastic game that was very enjoyable.
The concept of the game is fun, but the level design is fantastic; i spent 1 hour trying to bug or exploit the game, to no avail. In spite of this, i still think that the repeatability aspect gets boring from time to time and would appreciate a variety to either the landscape or the objective of the game. (The tutorial was a nice touch!)