Hello everyone, I'm Isolde L. Currently looking to diversify my portfolio and gain experience.
Character concept art, design, portraiture all OK.
If interested in collaborating feel free to pitch in in the comments below, or message me on discord (Mii#0801).
Some examples:
You can view more of my works here: https://miiandering.tumblr.com/ ; https://twitter.com/miieandering/media
Also, my commissions file can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS-00XzBvO3hkgPON_G1ryhNh2cs8VJnwdVJEohxplBQLyiKgCvMsaQp1Lr7mb3WTbOtwmUARfSTT8r/pub
Thanks for viewing and all the best with your projects :)