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[Unity}[2D Animator][Long Term] Mega Man/Vocaloid/Sailor Moon hybrid game

A topic by Regentine created Nov 06, 2019 Views: 227
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Hello itch!

Have a listen first:

Story Intro MP3:

My name is Regentine and I'm in the middle of creating a Mega Man-style game with the help of a sound guy and concept artist.  This will be a long-term project; our team has been together for half a year.  I am in need of help with the 2D animation.  I can do rigging for Unity's new-ish animation system, but I need additional help with the posing and keyframes.  Post or PM me with your contact info (itch or Discord) and I'll contact you within the day).

Main character run sketch:

Current mock-up for Box Art: