Hey everyone, I am very excited to make our first official announcement.
Tactics Champions is a mix of old school tactical games (like FF:Tactics or Fire Emblem) but with realtime multiplayer gameplay in mind. Which means less focus on exp farming and more emphasis on team composition and positioning (aka: tactic :) ). The scope for the initial release is to offer a wide variety of unique characters that you can unlock through normal gameplay. Matches are meant to last about 5-15 minutes and it will really be all about figuring the best way to leverage the terrain and each of your characters abilities to crush your opponent. We do have "bigger plans" after we're done with the core mechanics but without being too specific we want the game to be more than just plain combat. Maps will have objectives so it won't always necessary ends up in a deathmatch (even though there is nothing wrong with that). We're big fans of old school tactical games and we felt like this was the perfect genre for us to adopt (sort of help being your own target audience ;) ).
The first playtests should be around next month so be sure to follow our discord for the incoming announcement. It's gonna be free and playable directly in your browser at http://tacticschampions.io .
Here's an in-game screenshot of our latest map : The Dam.
A closer up of the character stats
The "medic" action bar
Join us on discord to participate in the upcoming playtests and post memes.
We will be relying on fans to get feedback on design and mechanics so please come hang around! It's literally our first time linking the server so it's pretty empty in here :P
Ability Icons created by https://shikashiassets.itch.io/ and https://www.deviantart.com/7soul1 (and some by myself) .
Sprites are created by https://finalbossblues.itch.io/ .
Portraits are created by the author of https://bigcheesecomic.com/ .