Name: Call me Sebastian
What are we:
We are a group where we do collabs in Unity. We are just starting but right now we have 5 people in our collab, with experience in mainly programming, but also a few people with experience in a range of different skills. Looking for more people, anyone with any experience with Unity programming and/or other game development fields such as Art, Game Design, Music Composition etc are welcome however, to join reply with the methods started below with the information defined in the how to join section of this post and then wait for my reply through discord or email. We will meet via Discord or Zoom(still deciding). Also, the idea behind the group is to learn from each other, kind of help each other with the collabs, so it kind of a learning experience for everyone(Usually only collab project we do, other projects we might have 5 minutes at the end of each call to help - but still deciding on that).
Genre and Game:
Still deciding(we will have one or two games to work on)
My role:
Programming/Owner/Management/Game Designer
Estimated time of project:
TBD, we will be working on 1 or 2 projects and some more projects after that and still deciding which game to make as a group.
How to join:
Ways of give me this:
My discord: DM me at panacanadianpeep#5799 or in this post
Give me details about:
- Your experience with coding with Unity and/or other game development fields such as Art, Music Composition etc
- Experience outside of your game development e.g. programming websites, your website if you have one, music composition outside gaming, etc.
- Your email or your discord username so I can contact you if I decide that you can join
- Your time zone