If you encounter any bugs during your time in Somethin's Brewin', this is the place to shove 'em in my face.
When posting a bug report, please provide as much detailed information as possible, helping me figure out the underlying problems.
Dodge. Kill. Save Earth. · By
Hey ben ik weer, heb ff gespeeld, hier wat bugs:
Which version (win 32 / 64) are you running?
Are you getting a crash report or is it just shutting down?
If you are getting a crash report, could you post it here?
Also, the first time you tried to launch the game, did it ask you to install UE4 prerequisites? If it didn't, that might be the problem.
However, since this is the first time (to my knowledge) that this has happened, any additional information you can provide could help me figure out what the problem could be.
I have uploaded version 0.4.1, making sure the prerequisites prompt was included in the game.
If it does not pop-up, you already have the prerequisites installed.
However, if the new version did not solve your problem, you could try downloading the game through the itch.io app (assuming you didn't do this already).